Rich in History

Jacklyn Hall in Somerset Virginia is a very original and rare example of a well documented pre-civil war home with amazing views of the Blue Ridge mountains and over 300 acres of rolling fields stretching in all directions. Many features remain untouched from its original construction in the early 1800’s. These classic homes offer a great opportunity to restore and expand to include all the features of the newer home while retaining the charm and romance of nearly 200 years of history. For this home, currently offered for sale by Gayle Harvey, a real estate professional in Charlottesville, we prepared measured drawings and researched the documents and archives to fully understand its potential. Whether a blended addition, new home design or historic home such as Jacklyn Hall, our goal is to create the feeling of timeless style that endures trends.

Jacklyn Hall as it exists today

Jacklyn Hall as it exists today

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Current foyer

Current foyer

Original foyer

Original foyer